Our co-hosts are busy … but this week’s animal may have them beat! Peter Gros and Dr. Rae Wynn-Grant travel to Washington state to visit nature’s engineer — the beaver.

Dr. Rae and Peter experience the wonderful wilds of Washington state where conservationists are working with beavers to restore critical spawning grounds for endangered salmon. Dr. Rae learns how native tribes are relocating beavers from potentially dangerous situations on private land, and she helps to trap and release them to wild spaces where they can freely create dams and wetland habitat. Meanwhile, Peter puts in a hard day’s work building artificial beaver dams that will jumpstart habitat restoration and allow beavers to take over. Then he snorkels in a dammed side channel and spots dozens of juvenile endangered salmon thriving — a great sign that the efforts are working!

Get an inside look at our crew’s visit with the beavers.

Check out “Eager Beavers” Saturday morning on NBC’s “The More You Know” programming block. Here’s how to watch.

Later, you’ll be able to watch the episode free on

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