Life Insurance Calculators + Tools You Can Use
Underwritten by United of Omaha Life Insurance Company

When researching retirement options, life insurance plans, and financial savings tips, there are many tools that can help you get started. These helpful tools can guide in your research and decision-making process.
Are you starting with the basics of life insurance? Currently insured, but needing to reevaluate your life insurance policy? Make the wisest decision for your family by using the following helpful online tools to educate yourself based on your unique situation.
Life Insurance Calculator
One of the very first steps in choosing a life insurance policy is understanding your needs. Life insurance policy premiums are based on things like income, family size and which benefits you choose. With an easy-to-use, online life insurance calculator you can determine how much life insurance is right for your needs. Use our life insurance calculator to research your coverage needs. Because this calculator focuses on coverage, this estimation tool works for any type of life insurance. So, it doesn’t matter if you need a whole life insurance calculator or a term life insurance calculator. It works for both situations.
Final Expense Calculator
Our Final Expense calculator is a straightforward tool designed to help you assess the amount of life insurance coverage that best suits your family's requirements. It helps with making informed decisions that profoundly impact your family’s financial security in your absence.
This calculator is tailored to reflect your personal situation and preferences, including different end-of-life arrangements such as traditional burial or cremation options. Once you have entered your information, our calculator will present an estimate of the coverage amount that might be appropriate for your circumstances.
More Life Insurance Tools
After calculating your life insurance needs, you may want to compare policies by getting an online quote or you may wish to work with an agent*. The resources listed below are where you can find these life insurance tools.
Getting a Free Life Insurance Quote
You can usually get a life insurance quote online for free in a matter of minutes. Based on the type of policy as well as your financial needs and personal health, an online quote can give you an estimate of what a life insurance policy may cost each month.
Getting a quote does not mean you have to buy anything. Feel free to try as many options as you want to explore different situations and scenarios. This exploration can be an important part of the decision process. You may choose to get quotes on multiple types of policies to find one that is cost-effective, though reliability and personal service can also be important factors to consider in addition to pricing.
Find an Agent* Tool
Once you’ve calculated the amount of life insurance you want and have an idea of what the cost may be, you can choose to shop for a policy on your own or you may decide to work with an agent*. Many local life insurance agents* will have an online presence so you can locate one in your area. Your local agent* should be able to answer any questions you have and be able to help you in the next step of applying for life insurance. Look for a helpful agent* from a dependable company who knows about the products and services they provide and can answer your questions.
You’ve got all the tools you need at your fingertips to calculate your need, find an agent* and get a quote. The next step is up to you.
*In WA/OR, Agent is Producer
Life Insurance policies are underwritten by United of Omaha Life Insurance Company, 3300 Mutual of Omaha Plaza, Omaha, NE 68175. United of Omaha is licensed nationwide except in New York and does not solicit business in New York. In New York, Companion Life Insurance Company, Melville, NY 11747 underwrites life insurance and annuities. Policy form ICC18L198P. In FL, D787LFL19P; in NY, 1002Y-0119. Each company is responsible for its own financial and contractual obligations.