Understanding Life Insurance
Learn about life insurance and how it can be an important part of your financial goals.
Your lifestyle and needs are different now than they were when you were younger. Why shouldn’t your life insurance be different after age 65, too? Here’s what you should know.
Understanding the basics of life insurance death benefits can help you make informed decisions knowing what your loved ones receive if something happens to you.
Here are a few things you should do (and shouldn’t do) after a loved one dies.
Find out more information regarding life insurance after a heart attack here.
You might need life insurance if you:
Have dependents
If you have a spouse, children or other dependents who rely on your income, life insurance can help them if something happens to you.
Owe on a mortgage or loans
Life insurance can prevent your debts from becoming a strain on your family and can cover financial obligations after you’re gone.
Want to cover funeral costs
Funerals can be expensive. Life insurance can provide funds to cover these costs, easing the financial strain on your family.
Getting started
Understanding the basics of life insurance death benefits can help you make informed decisions knowing what your loved ones receive if something happens to you.
Take your understanding of life insurance policies deeper by knowing how to find the best policy for you.
Learn how to choose your life insurance beneficiary. Here are a few tips to help you make the right choice.
Life insurance for life events
Are you someone who thinks life insurance is only for those with young children? If so, you could be missing out on many of the great benefits of life insurance, like extra retirement income. Learn more about 8 ways life insurance can benefit empty nesters.
Your lifestyle and needs have changed over 20 years. Why would your life insurance be different? We have the answers about life insurance for people over 50.
Have you ever wondered, “Do I need life insurance?” Consider these 7 life events that help answer that question.
End-of-Life Planning
A will can help make sure that your cherished belongings are distributed to the right people in the event of your death. Find out more about what to include in a will.
Here are a few things you should do (and shouldn’t do) after a loved one dies.
By creating these end-of-life documents, you assure yourself that your end-of-life care will suit your wishes and values and provide protection for loved ones.